The weather was PERFECT. It was sunny and in the low 40's for the whole afternoon. We spent about three hours outside there and had a blast. Specks came too and had a fun time tearing around with the other dogs that hiked by with their owners. We had the beach to ourselves for the most part. Hikers and skiers occasionally wandered by (trails pass right behind the shelter). But, most of them had dogs with them so Specks was in doggy play-date heaven.
Skaters Cabin is a fun place to visit for any of these activities. It also offers some stunning views of Mendenhall Glacier. You can view the glacier from the much closer Nugget Falls trail, but the NF trail is always packed with people (during the summer entire tour buses drop off there). Skaters Cabin may not offer as up close and personal views, but there are seldom other people there and the views can be enjoyed while cooking, hiking, or swimming during the summer. It's a pretty perfect spot :)
Do you take your doggy hiking/skiing with you?
Where is your favorite outdoor cooking location?