Thursday, May 1, 2014


Wow! It has been over a month since my last post.  I apologize to my readers about the lengthy absence I took from the blogging world.  Unfortunately, I have been up to my ears in work and being "plugged in" while at home hasn't really been high on my agenda.  I've been focusing my time and energy on my family and being outdoors.

One of the reasons for my absence is that the school year is quickly coming to a close. There are only four weeks of school left! Work is incredibly busy as we wind down.  I also accepted a job subbing for our year-round Montessori school (school district affiliated) to keep me busy over the summer.  This way I can work part-time and Cody and I can save some money for fun stuff (like vacations). Woo-hoo for saving money!

 Another big reason for my absence is that my job situation is pretty up in the air for next year.  Huge budget cuts have really taken their toll on our schools this year.  The school district has said that they will cut up to twenty jobs next year, which is better than the originally projected thirty jobs.  My position is grant-funded but the grant hasn't been renewed as of yet and hangs on the school districts decision.  I have thrown a bunch of job applications out into the world (all over the country) in hopes that if my classroom doesn't exist next year I will have other offers on the table. It's a crazy time to be a teacher!

I promise not to take so long of a hiatus from the blog again.  I have a few fun posts coming up in the next week or so.  We've been doing a lot of camping, hiking, etc. The weather has been pretty spectacular too so expect a picture overload.  Happy Friday!

Have you ever taken a blog hiatus?
What is your current job situation? 


  1. Hi! I just wanted to pop up and let you know that I just read your entire blog over the last few weeks. I love to learn about every day life in Alaska, and pretty much devour a new blog when I find it. My husband and I are wanting to move to AK some time in the next 5 years, so I consider the hours online to be my "research"!
    Thanks for sharing your words and your photos! Keep it up! Also, fingers crossed for you as you wait to hear about your position...

    1. Thanks Kristin!! I always appreciate hearing from readers and people interested in moving to AK! Please let me know if you have any questions. I'd be more than happy to help. Thanks for reading :)


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